2.5 Year Olds

For many two-and-a-half-year-olds, beginning preschool can be a very scary and or unsettling time. We/At LEAP we acknowledge this and embrace the fact that this is a big deal in their young world. To help overcome the unfamiliarity of school we provide a welcoming and nurturing environment. Children will learn how to separate more easily from their caregiver, adjust to new situations, begin to share, and learn how to take turns, follow basic classroom rules and routines and most of all develop independence while gaining confidence. 

Children will be exposed to a variety of hands on developmentally appropriate activities that will encourage them to explore and learn at their own pace. Teachers will monitor and assess the children’s progress in the following areas: Language Skills, Motor Skills, Cognitive, Preschool skills, and Social/Emotional development. Two and half year olds participate in Yoga and All School Sing with musician Lou Gallo. There are visits from members of the community, including: The Fire Department and Dentist.

Classes Offered:

Times: 9:00-11:30

3 Year Olds

By the time children get to our three-year-old program many of them have established a sense of security and comfort. They are developing meaningful peer relationships and are becoming more independent. In our three-year-old program children will gain a better understanding of their sense of self, develop self-help skills, reason and problem solve, follow classroom rules and routines, and become an active participant in the classroom community.

Children have the opportunity to explore the classroom environment and make independent choices while also participating in developmentally appropriate Teacher directed activities. Teachers monitor and assess the children’s progress in the following areas: Language skills, Motor skills(small/large), Cognitive skills, Preschool Skills, and Social/Emotional development. The three-year-olds participate in yoga and All School Sing with musician Lou Gallo. There are visits from members of the community, including: The fire department, dentist, and mail carrier.

Classes Offered:

Times: 9:00-12:00


4 Year Olds
Our four-year-old program is filled with enriching lessons and activities that will foster the learning experience for those children who will be ready to head off to Kindergarten the following year. Four-year-olds are still trying to make sense of their independence. Many four-year-olds are beginning to self-regulate. Social and Emotional learning plays a great part in our four-year-old program. Children will learn how to cooperate, work in small and large groups, reason and problem solve, and understand what it means to be part of the learning community. The four-year-olds participate in yoga and All School Sing with musician Lou Gallo. There are visits from members of the community, including: The fire department, dentist, and veterinarian.

Our four-year-old program incorporates Handwriting Without Tears®. This program provides developmentally appropriate, multi-sensory tools and strategies that teach children letters, numbers, shapes, body awareness, sequencing and sharing. To learn more about HWOT, visit www.hwtears.com

Classes offered:

Times: 9:00 am-12:00pm


Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is an opportunity for children to have lunch with his/her friends, participate in story time, learning activities, and outdoor play.

On Wednesdays Children can order pizza.

We are a nut-free facility and kindly as those participating in Lunch Bunch not to bring any nuts or food with nuts in it.


Transitional Kindergarten

Transitional Kindergarten is for children who are age appropriate for kindergarten, but not yet ready for a traditional program.

The class will provide a year of opportunities for children to develop the necessary skills, both academic and social, needed to be successful when they eventually enter kindergarten.